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Standard Operating procedure to be followed in case of Non Operational Ship
Security Alert System Equipment.
AA) The Master/ Company Security Officer shall inform the 24 X 7 DG Commcentre that the ship security alert system is non operational.
If the vessel is in port,
every effort shall be made to have the
equipment repaired prior to sailing.
In case it is not possible to
have the equipment repaired, the Master/ Company Security Officer shall inform
the DG Commcentre to that effect stating the reasons for the same.
BB)In case the equipment fails at sea, the Master/ Company Security Officer shall immediately inform the DG Commcentre and thereafter e-mail a position report to the DG Commcentre every 6 hrs. stating the vessel's position, Course, Speed, name of next port of call with ETA. The security status of the vessel shall be reported in these messages. These position reports shall be sent till the vessel arrives at the destined port.
(The Company / Security Officer shall report to the DG Commcentre
immediately if the vessel's position report is overdue by more than 2 hours.)
CC)The ship security alert system shall be repaired at the next port of call and DG Commcentre shall be notified accordingly. Upon completion of
repairs, the same shall be tested with the DG Commcentre and compliance obtained as prescribed in the previous blog
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