
Showing posts from 2013


Suspension of class Class may be suspended following a decision made by the Society when one or more of the following occurs: • when a ship is not operated in compliance with the Rule requirements; • when a ship proceeds to sea with less freeboard than that assigned; • when the owner fails to request a survey after having detected defects or damages affecting the class; • when repairs, alterations or conversions affecting the class are carried out without requesting the attendance of a surveyor. In addition, class is automatically suspended: • when the class renewal/special survey has not been completed by its due date or within the time granted in special circumstances for the completion of the survey, unless the ship is under attendance by the Society’s surveyor(s) with a view to completion prior to resuming trading; • when the annual or intermediate surveys have not been completed by the end of the corresponding survey time windows. In


  THE REQUIREMENT OF VDR AS PER IMO Ship T ype New ships built on or after 1 July 2002 Existing ships built before 1 July 2002 Passenger VDR VDR Ro-Ro Passenger VDR VDR Cargo Ships over 20,000 GT VDR S-VDR at 1st drydocking after 1 July 2006, but not later than 1 July 2009 Cargo Ships 3,000- 20,000 GT VDR S-VDR at 1st drydocking after 1 July 2007, but not later than 1 July 2010 DIFFERENCE IN DATA STORAGE OF VDR & S-VDR VDR S-VDR • Date and Time (GPS) • Ship’s Position (GPS) • Speed (Speed Log) • Heading (Gyro Compass) • Bridge Audio & VHF Communications • Date and Time (GPS) • Ship’s Position (GPS) • Speed (Speed Log) • Heading (Gyro Compass) • Bridge Audio & VHF Communications • Rada


Hazard   A hazard is anything with the potential to cause harm to persons, property (or th e environment ) e.g. working aloft in a Bosun's chair. Risk   A risk is the likelihood, or probability, that a hazard will cause specified harm to someone or someth i ng, e.g. the probab i lity of a sea farer fa l l i ng from the Bo s u n's c h a i r and the i njur i es rece ive d if this happens. Risk management Risk management is a process that involves assessing the risks that arise in the workplace, putting h ea lth and safety and e nvironmental protection measur es in place to control them, and then ensuring they work. Risk assessment   A risk assessment is a n examination of what, in the workplace. may cause harm to people or property, so that it can be determ ined whether enough precautions have been tak e n. ALARP As Low As Reasonably Pract icable SFARP So Far As Rea so nab ly Prac ti cab l e Reasonably practicable   This means that active st