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- Familiar with SMS of company.
- Implementation of company safety and environment protection
- Motivate crew in relation to implementation of such
- To hold safety meeting , emergency drills and training on
- Issue standing orders and night orders to e/r personnel.
- To make sure that e/r is manned with qualified and medically
fit personnel.
- Familiar e/r personnel with duties related to safety,
environmental protection.
- Make sure that e/r personnel are able to communicate properly.
- Implementation of various safety checklists, plans,
procedures related to safety of
ship and pollution prevention.
- To conduct various contingency drills, and record it.
- To report NC accidents, haz. occurrences , analyse it and take
corrective action as appropriate.
- maintenance of ship and it’s machinery in accordance with
procedures established by company
- Make sure that inspections are held at appropriate intervals
and same are documented
- Maintain records of inspections, maintenance on board.
- Raise and report NC in case of any defect detected, analysis of
such defects and take corrective actions.
- control and monitoring of spares and stores.
- Testing and maintenance of standby and critical , system and
equipments that are not in continuous use.
- Maintain documentation with respect to his area eg. Files,
reports, certificates
- Successfully carry out internal and external audits.
- Discuss results of audits within his department
- Take appropriate corrective
actions on NC, observations, defects raised during audits and
report to company.
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