
Showing posts from August, 2021


       As we have seen in the last blog, IHM Part-1 is a dynamic document. Therefore, a constant effort requires from ship staff- purchasing department- Technical department.    IHM maintenance Manual   Each vessel to maintain an IHM maintenance manual, even though this document is not a RO approved one, PSC can inspect the record to check how well defined and organised the vessel on maintaining IHM Part-1 the Maintenance plan to clearly  1.       describe the responsibility of related personnel.   Designated Person (DP) ( T h e   p e r s on   h as  t h e ov e rall   a u th o ri t y   t o   ov e rsee   all  h a z ar d o u s  m a t e r i als   (reg u la t e d   i n   H KC   a n d   EU   SR R ) - r e la t e d   ac t iv i t ies   o n   t h e   s h i p .)   Ship Manager   Purchase department.   Vessel Master and Chief Engineer.   2.       IHM Life cycle.   3.       Procedures to maintain the IHM.   4.       Work Permit and Authorisation.   5.       Hazardous Material/substance management.