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Multiple Load Line – a Thorough View. Whether a vessel can carry multiple load line ?? A very genuine innocent question , what is the problem , but please answer to the question very carefully. We have vessel’s having at least 8 loadlines ,  Yes a ship can multiple load line, BUT at    any point of time there will be only one load line will be valid and rest of the LOAD LINE certificates to be under safe custody of master preferably in his locker , at any point of time no two Load line certificate should be along with the certificate bunch. What is multiple load line. Multiple load lines  are used when, for a period of time, a  ship  has a need to operate temporarily with a greater freeboard than the minimum freeboard stipulated in accordance with the International Convention on  Load Lines   of 1966. Purpose of multiple loadline. “Load line is a special marking positioned amidships which depicts the draft of the vessel and the maximum permitt