
Showing posts from 2018


Recently  my colleagues  and myself were carrying out an investigation on a vessel ( not under our management , on pre purchase inspetion), on their constant liner damages. the very fist doubts went into the fuel quality, so we have checked fuel analysis report, couple of large quantity bunkers were even though under specification but beyond engine manufacturers limit. so Naturally we have asked CE about the precautions taken , the reply was horrific and never expected from such a senior Chief Engineer. believe me he was having more than 15 years (actual) experience onboard in the rank. CE version  I have received the analysis report and the symbol was thumbs up in Green and I used the fuel and didn't check much details. I have put the above not to hurt anybody's ego but I have understand that most of the engineers are not keen to check the  Analysis report , may be it is taking a back seat think that owners / managers office to send a conclusive comment in a form a c


There is a general notion that t he only commercial technology solution currently available to meet compliance with MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 14 is an exhaust gas cleaning system, namely scrubbing . Remember Regulation 14 requires ships to use 0.10%S fuel in ECAs and 0.50%S fuel globally from 2020. There are also regional ECAs with slight variations. Examples include the 0.50%S in some rivers and coastal areas in China. Here we briefly discuss on various type of scrubbers and their working  method, the cost consideration is not a part of this article. Scrubber types Four different scrubber types are available today: Seawater scrubbers (open loop)  utilize untreated seawater, using the natural alkalinity of the seawater to neutralize the sulphur from exhaust gases. The negative characteristic of an open loop system is its greater energy consumption compared to a close loop system, but there is no need for chemical additives like caustic soda in a closed loop system.  F