
How Ship Managers / Owners can stay ahead of CII and BIMCO Clause on time charterer vessel

 How Ship Managers / Owners can stay ahead of CII and BIMCO Clause on time charterer vessel Ship managers can take several steps to prepare for the implementation of the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) as the ships will be graded into 5 different grades based on the carbon emission. 1. Monitor developments: Stay informed about the latest developments in the CII calculation method and any changes to the standards and regulations. This will help ship managers understand the requirements they will need to meet and plan accordingly.   2. Assess emissions: Conduct an assessment of the emissions produced by the ships under their management. This will provide a baseline for comparing the emissions of the ships against the CII standards and identifying areas for improvement. 3. Invest in emissions reduction technologies: Invest in technologies and practices that will help to reduce emissions and improve the ships’ CII scores. This could include investing in more fuel-efficient engines,


       As we have seen in the last blog, IHM Part-1 is a dynamic document. Therefore, a constant effort requires from ship staff- purchasing department- Technical department.    IHM maintenance Manual   Each vessel to maintain an IHM maintenance manual, even though this document is not a RO approved one, PSC can inspect the record to check how well defined and organised the vessel on maintaining IHM Part-1 the Maintenance plan to clearly  1.       describe the responsibility of related personnel.   Designated Person (DP) ( T h e   p e r s on   h as  t h e ov e rall   a u th o ri t y   t o   ov e rsee   all  h a z ar d o u s  m a t e r i als   (reg u la t e d   i n   H KC   a n d   EU   SR R ) - r e la t e d   ac t iv i t ies   o n   t h e   s h i p .)   Ship Manager   Purchase department.   Vessel Master and Chief Engineer.   2.       IHM Life cycle.   3.       Procedures to maintain the IHM.   4.       Work Permit and Authorisation.   5.       Hazardous Material/substance management.


IHM ( Inventory of  Hazardous Materials)  has been a hot topic among the owners and managers , here we are looking into various aspect of preparing your vessel IHM compliant one. but since the convention ( The  Hong Kong International Convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships)   is not ratified till now do a vessel need to compliant of IHM.        Here comes another important aspect called EUSRR, basically we will look into what is this regulations are all about. Hong Kong Convention The Hong Kong Convention recognised that  ship recycling  is the most environmentally sound way to dispose of a ship at the end of its life, as most of the ship's materials can be reused. However, it sees current methods as unacceptable. The work sees many injuries and fatalities to workers, as they lack the correct  safety equipment  to handle the large ship correctly as it is dismantled and most vessels contain a large amount of  hazardous materials  such as 


Multiple Load Line – a Thorough View. Whether a vessel can carry multiple load line ?? A very genuine innocent question , what is the problem , but please answer to the question very carefully. We have vessel’s having at least 8 loadlines ,  Yes a ship can multiple load line, BUT at    any point of time there will be only one load line will be valid and rest of the LOAD LINE certificates to be under safe custody of master preferably in his locker , at any point of time no two Load line certificate should be along with the certificate bunch. What is multiple load line. Multiple load lines  are used when, for a period of time, a  ship  has a need to operate temporarily with a greater freeboard than the minimum freeboard stipulated in accordance with the International Convention on  Load Lines   of 1966. Purpose of multiple loadline. “Load line is a special marking positioned amidships which depicts the draft of the vessel and the maximum permitt